Khmer Akphiwat Khmer Organization
Education makes life better
Our Vision
Our Vision
KAKO believes that education is the basic of human resource development. KAKO envisions that every citizen is literate and is capable of improving their living standards.
Encourage and mobilize community resource to eliminate illiteracy and to support sustainable development.
Provide opportunities to every citizen, especially poor orphans, women, and citizens who lack of access to Formal education (FE), to receive NFE for a betterment of their living standards.
Reduce illiteracy and strengthen literacy through basic education activities, community learning center activities, scholarship support for poor students to be able to access formal education, provide basic health activities and supporting development activities.
KAKO is a charitable, non-profit, neutral, and non-governmental organization implementing community development work for better living standards of citizens. Work shall be done and/or delivered for/to target beneficiaries, relevant institution and donors in a manner of quality and transparency.